It is perhaps the best catharsis we have been afforded since those traumatic and even surreal events of the past few months. If anything could make us feel normal again it is watching Ity and Fancy Cat bring broad humour to many of those serious issues the country has faced recently. Their skit on the Reverend Al Miller transporting Christopher “Dudus” Coke caught every nuance in that now infamous episode. Their character Dudus even looked like the real Prez, complete with wig and designer glasses. Play-acting as a “downtown ghetto reporter” who seemed unfazed as bullets flew around her, Ity brought the audience to rib hurting laughter. A skit titled Address to the Nation – Bruce Golden, Prime Master of Jamaica, rolled into one terribly funny item the botched extradition rejection, the Manatt, Phelps and Phillips affair and a televised apology that satisfied no one. The actor playing Prime Minister Bruce Golding was spot on with the dour and stressed look that we saw in the real address. The talented comedians on the show, now in its third week, took on most current topics, finding novel ways to approach some of those subjects. Their street videos asking people randomly to sing a popular song in patois then again in standard English perhaps did more for Dr. Carolyn Cooper’s fight to big up the way most Jamaicans talk. There were some truly great lines that will remain with us for a long time. Like when they talked about Tuesday Bangarang session featuring Eddie Seaga and his One Man Band, or, when it was announced that no coke will be allowed in the dance. Ian “Ity” Ellis, Alton “Fancy Cat” Hardware can be justifiably proud of a show that brings quality entertainment for the entire family.