Now that Irma has done her damage and Jose is perched patronizingly, we may have time to consider how Jamaicans responded to the hurricane on social media. We’re naturally a warm and friendly people, so our advice to friends, family and our Caribbean neighbors who were in Irma’s path reflect as much.
While we felt the hurricane’s effects in scattered showers, we’re also grateful to have been spared its terror. Now we are imploring other Jamaicans to help where they can.
On the lighter side, we found Jamaicans willing to comment and offer advice that was often hilarious. See these examples posted on Reddit:
Many Jamaicans observed that it might be time for us to be the ones to “send a ting” to relatives abroad. Oh, how the tables have turned! We’ve been cautioned to get our barrels ready, as the hurricanes have seemingly landed us in the better position to lend a helping hand.
The serious minded among us took to social media to share their version of a Public Service Announcement on how we can help in this time of great need.
But perhaps the most strident calls came from Jamaicans who had everything to say about how reporters should cover a hurricane. They were talking about who should come out of the wind and rain, who should wear a hat, etc.
Then there were those who tried to keep everyone affected in our thoughts and prayers. We generously aired our well wishes on social media as the Internet was being flooded with pictures and videos of destruction in many sister islands and Florida.
If Jose decides to revert, let’s hear your thoughts or advice on Facebook or Twitter. You never know, you just might bring a smile to someone’s face.