November 13, 2018
“Christmas a come” we used to say. It was the season that got everyone excited. We’d start talking about whether or not we’ll put up a Christmas tree and lights; what we’d cook for Christmas; which aunt made the best sweet potato pudding and; how long the sorrel has to...
November 02, 2018
Earlier this year, Facebook started testing its “Downvote” button, raising the hope of users who have long craved a Dislike button. But the Downvote button is intended to create a platform for healthy discussions, if we are to believe Facebook’s pronouncements. “We are not...
October 26, 2018
Commonly shortened to UPT by character conscious Twitter users, Uptown is an evergreen discussion on Jamaican social media. Even downtown seems fascinated with Uptown. But where’s Uptown, or who is Uptown? We could simply say it is the cardinal opposite of downtown Kingston. Geography...
October 09, 2018
Want to find something important on social media? #HashtagIt. Want more people to see a post? #HashtagIt. So how did hashtags get so popular and how should we use them? With millions of images and text shared every second on social media, it’s hard to stand out. Hashtags make is easier for...
September 21, 2018
Many of us are expert at using social media to pass time and relieve boredom. We reach for our phones and scroll through our feeds, read silly posts, watch humorous videos, catch up on celebrity gossip, and let our minds go numb for a minute. An hour later, we feel guilty as hell knowing we’...