December 21, 2018
Once upon a time, a little Jamaican girl was daydreaming. She thought of what Christmas would be like if Santa Claus came to Jamaica. Everyone would be happy! No one would have time to be depressed or sad. Primetime would be filled with good news and birthday wishes instead of death announcements....
December 14, 2018
There is an entire generation that has never seen Junkanoo. They do not know the lyrics to “Christmas a come” or the joy of walking Grand Market all night. As we move more into a globalized and connected world, we seem to be losing ourselves. There seems to be a shift to a Christmas...
December 07, 2018
Holiday traditions have now become much more technology focused. Playing video games and binge watching shows on Netflix are replacing board games and Christmas specials on TV. Browsing online stores on Black Friday and at other times is replacing walking around the mall looking for good deals....
November 30, 2018
It had to happen sooner or later. And this is later since it was in 1996 that the late Senegal president Leopold Senghor broached the idea of a museum to feature the civilizations of black Africa. Now the country’s minister of culture Abdou Latif Coulibaly has demanded the return of...
November 22, 2018
This season usually comes with an overwhelming desire for renovation. It may be the only time of year we focus on home improvement. We discard old, unused or expired items, paint, upholster and rearrange furniture, or finally fix that lousy leak. Most Jamaicans spend a large part of November and...