If it’s been a while since you donned a school uniform you may care little about this. But it’s not unkind to say many high school students in the corporate area add a touch of arrogance to their uniform. It’s in their demeanor and their disdain for other schools. So at the end of Child’s Month we couldn’t help but give our gut reaction to some of these uniforms.
Immaculate High School for Girls
Save for the rare “bad gyal” who dirtied her uniform in a tussle over a schoolboy (probably from JC or Georges) the Immaculate Conception High School uniform is next to pristine. Seriously! They could be sitting in dirt all day and their uniforms remain white as snow.
Meadowbrook High School
So the Black Watch Tartan Plaid (yup, that’s its name) is part of the school’s history and has been maliciously compared to a dishcloth. But they love wearing it as much as we enjoy seeing it.
Holy Childhood High School for Girls
They know they wear tents for skirts and we’re sure they, too, believe it’s ridiculous. Next time you see a HCHS student about to trip on her own uniform, please help her. Poor Soul!
Campion College
Sooo, why doesn’t your male students wear ties again? But the girls from grades 7 to 11 are forced to wear one? Exactly! #FoodForThought
Queen’s School and St. Hugh’s High School for Girls
We all know you don’t actually tie your ties properly, but let’s all pretend that you do.
Kingston College
Any college man (as they call themselves) will tell you KC was the first all boys school to wear ties. You should know that their purple and white is one of the more coveted school ties in Jamaica.
St. Andrew’s High School for Girls
If you mistakenly say that her school wears a burgundy uniform you will hear “It’s not burgundy. It’s DUBONNET!”
Convent of Mercy Academy, Alpha
Seems that to transition from lower school to upper school you just get rid of your tunic’s upper half, lengthen your skirt 4 inches and buy a yellow skinny tie. Oh, and throw out your little white cloth belt.
Jamaica College
These young men are hard to miss; they are the only ones not wearing the popular bulla suit. But hey, if you are ever confused about what grade a JC guy is in look at the white stripes on his shirtsleeve or the colour outlining his school crest.
If we missed a school with a uniform issue please let us know in the comments below.