September 02, 2021
Something extraordinary just happened. You're over the moon, and you rush to Twitter to stir up a conversation. Boom, in a flash, your tweet is hijacked. Now you’re getting bombarded with harassment from trolls, people hiding behind screens, hell-bent on instigating conflict online....
July 30, 2021
It's Jamaica 59: Come Mek We Celebrate Online! This is the theme for this year's independence celebrations. For a second time, we’re forced to honour our release from colonial shackles in muted tones because of the pandemic. Such a spoilsport!   And it gets worse. Covid-19...
July 08, 2021
It’s the outdoor season again and whew – we are hot! Even as we appreciate those gusts of winds in these long, lazy days – thank you, Lord! – be aware this weather can take a toll on our health and mood. The best way to beat the heat is to stay hydrated, and one way to do...
July 07, 2021
Our pandemic salute this month goes to Randy Griffiths, who awarded a four-year scholarship and tablet computer to high schooler Avatar Muschett, after learning about the student’s plight.  Founder of the non-profit organisation Pencils4Kids, Griffiths will also covdf the Clarendon...
June 14, 2021
Between 2020 and 2021 social media use by Jamaicans jumped by more than 200,000, to roughly 1.50 million. That has forced businesses to step outside their usual means of reaching customers. In this Covid-19 era, businesses have to be really smart about where and when they promote. For social media...