July 21, 2010
Evernote is a free information tracking system with a rapidly growing cult following. It allows you external digital storage in a secure personal space, but its other features are driving its mass appeal. The system eliminates the need for extraneous paper as all hardcopy information can be stored...
July 08, 2010
Now that we are faced with a final that may lack the passion we in Jamaica had hoped for, perhaps we can reflect on what happened at two important turning points. The great joy World Cup football brings is perhaps matched equally with the pain and stress that many of us experience. The double loss...
July 02, 2010
The introduction of the Apple I-phone4 and its impressive specifications are the talk of all technology and mobile phone enthusiasts worldwide. The appearance of the I-phone 4 in such proximity to the emergence of the I-pad has also sparked much debate. Many believe the positive attributes...
June 28, 2010
It is perhaps the best catharsis we have been afforded since those traumatic and even surreal events of the past few months. If anything could make us feel normal again it is watching Ity and Fancy Cat bring broad humour to many of those serious issues the country has faced recently. Their skit on...
June 21, 2010
There’s a new application out and it’s got heart. One Day at a Timer is for use on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, and helps to control addictive or compulsive behaviour. This motivational tool can be personalized to maintain a running count of the days, months and years since an...