The innovative founders of twitter have added new item to the popular social network. This week they launch the twitter lists, which allows users to make lists/directories of twitter accounts that appeal to them and group them together. So, for example, if you’re interested in chocolate you can make a list called chocolate, chocolate lovers or whatever name you want.

Those who love to organize will love this new feature since that is essentially what the twitter list lets users do: organize tweets.

For those who can’t be bothered to make lists, you can find twitter lists on Listorious, an independent directory service according to techcrunch. But Listorious will only work for users who are able to access twitter lists on their account.

On Listorious, you’ll find lists such as news, media, humor, twitter, marketing, food, finance, company, music, internet, you name it. You can add lists to their directory, so after creating your list on twitter you can add it to Listorious so others interested in the same category can use it too.

Log on to twitter to find out if you’re able to access twitter lists and give it a test drive.