Beverley Hall, a strategy consultant with Panmedia and part of our virtual office, is finding life in Malta, where she moved after she left Jamaica, even more than satisfying. She and husband Nigel were recently named Club Captains of the Royal Malta Golf Club. (See A Day In The Life…)
The RMGC was a private members' club founded in 1888 primarily as a facility for British servicemen stationed in Malta.
As part of Panmedia’s virtual office, Beverley has input on key strategic issues and is part of our beta testing team for web development. She has also acted as a facilitator at Panmedia’s first retreat in 2004. At that retreat Nigel coordinated one session on costing and defining scope of work for IT projects.
The couple spent three years in Jamaica when Nigel worked with the Carana Corporation as an IT manager.
Beverley, a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK), has considerable international and multi-cultural management experience, having worked as a marketing manager in Dominica, Jamaica, Seychelles, Malta and Nigeria. Beverley is part of our Virtual Office.