It had to happen. Twitter has a new competitor. Tumblr is a microblog social network that let users upload photos, links, quotes, text, audio and video. And, believe it or not, there’s no 140 character limit. How cool is that? It also has a chat feature.
According to Techcrunch and Tumblr’s own site, the range of features puts the microblog way beyond what Twitter now offers. Analysts say Facebook is a better comparison but the ‘follow’ feature makes it more Twitter-like. The best way to describe tumblr is probably ‘a blogging social network platform.’
Creating a tumlr account is pretty easy, but creating the first entry...not so clear. See below for a sample post.
One good thing about tumblr entries is that you can edit after posting. What a relief? Certainly artist John May thinks so, Techcrunch reports, in an article titled John Mayer Clarifies: Twitter Isn’t Dead, Tumblr Is Just Better. Join Me. Mayer argues that the over-abundance of tiny amounts (140 characters) of information on Twitter is a limitation of the service.
But no need to go by John’s opinion, try it out for yourself...who’s to tell, Tumblr could be the next big thing!