April 28, 2010
There is some science in cooking a really good Gungo Stew. Those who want a genuine gourmet taste in this West Indian favourite understand this. Most of us do it by rote. But if the intent is to create a Creole culture piece, you must pay close attention to the details. Such details vary from...
April 27, 2010
This disdain for knowledge is rampantly evident. We visited UWI this week for the launch of the current issue of Jamaica Journal, in recognition of the National Heritage Trust's 50th Anniversary. To honour the preservation of important aspects of Jamaica's memory, JJ partnered with the JNHT...
April 27, 2010
The euphoria is over, or close to it. And while our fraternity with Obama and the world made us feel good for a moment, we have to come back to earth now. More specifically, we have to come back to Jamaica’s own domestic situation. This abduction business is getting worrisome, as is crime in...
April 27, 2010
Speaking with friends and colleagues is always useful for getting to know each other and sharing cares and fears, ambitions and failures. But there is a particularly awkward moment in a conversation that sometimes really irritates me. You know, when someone stares at you like you are not from this...
April 27, 2010
Christopher's is buzzing again, if I'm to judge by the numbers on a Friday night. A friend, Kyle Lewis, suggested it's probably that people have begun to recover from the several Ponzi schemes that have claimed numerous victims here in recent months. Another friend, Colin Steele,...