July 01, 2013
Jamaica Kinkaid's My Brother , (1997) Reviewed by Bronwen Low "I became a writer out of desperation, so when I first heard my brother was dying I was familiar with the act of saving myself: I would write about him. I would write about his dying." Despite Jamaica Kincaid's...
July 01, 2013
There's an orgy tonight at Lime Cay. There may be others simultaneously in Negril, Mobay and Discovery Bay. Organizers expect a few dozen people to show up, mostly to watch. The hard core action is an annual affair, says Judith Mendes, a marine biologist, but it only lasts about half an hour...
July 01, 2013
Dave Tingling checks his digital directory daily. The systems analyst at Levy Industries uses the directory as a remote desk. Clients file problems there, colleagues pass on work, and it becomes a loading and retrieval dock. UWI lecturer Damien King writes E-mail voraciously, abandoning friends...
July 01, 2013
On a visit to London in December 1986, journalist Knolly Moses journeyed to Brixton to interview the late C.L.R. James. From a comfortable armchair in his cozy flat above the office of Race Today, James expressed his views on a variety of subjects. This is an excerpt of that conversation that was...
July 01, 2013
"Inna de heights a de mango crop/when de fruit jus' a ripe an' drop/ wash yu pot, tun dem down, mango time." "Graham mango is my favorite. It's sweet, and has a nice comfortable size. You can destroy it quickly and it doesn't act as a purgative. The challenge of...