July 01, 2013
In the l960's the Tripoli Steel Orchestra toured the United States, exciting audiences with music from instruments made from 55-gallon oil drums and invented half a century ago in Trinidad and Tobago. Since then several steelbands have visited the U.S. for performing dates. There are also two...
July 01, 2013
Reviewed By Knolly Moses The myths we learn about as children never leave us entirely. They intrude on our adult consciousness at unlikely moments. They creep into our dreams and invade our fantasies. Sometimes they rise above the sober reality of daily life. We brandish then to confront our...
July 01, 2013
George Lamming has been described as "The Conscience of the Caribbean." His thoughful analysis and incisive commentary bring new insights to many things we in this region care about. The novelist lives in Barbados, teaching during the summer at the Unviversity of Miami, Coral Gables, and...
July 01, 2013
Elizabeth Nunez was showing spunk and creativity when she was only seven years old. Unknown to her parents, she submitted a short story to a tiny tot writing contest in the Guardian, and won. "Since then, says the now grown up Elizabeth Nunez-Harrell, "I have wanted to write a novel. I...
July 01, 2013
Jamaica believes that heritage tourism could be the best recent opportunity to diversify its product for visitors. Properly developed and marketed, cultural heritage tourism could easily increase visitor arrivals by 40 percent, say some industry analysts. Prospects of such gains have...