February 17, 2017
  Who knew fake news was a thing in Jamaica? National Security Minister Robert Montague had to quickly discredit rumours about abductions for organ harvesting in Jamaica.  Likes and shares drive traffic, and maybe that’s why these rumours started, but we’re not sure...
January 20, 2017
Connect When You Can’t be There   Well, duh, isn’t that the point of phones and communication in general? Definitely, but instant messaging apps like Whatsapp & iMessage now make that experience even more realistic. Real-time multimedia sharing is awesome when you can’t...
January 06, 2017
New year, new you! It’s all about resolutions. Statistics work both for and against you if you’ve made some. You can’t make a change if you don’t decide to do it, but less than half of the people who set New Year's resolutions stick to them.   Write Your...
December 30, 2016
It’s almost 2017 and, for many of us, January 1st can’t come soon enough. We’re happy to put behind all the problems of yaad and abroad and start a new chapter of our lives.   A new year is a great time to adopt a fresh outlook, to try something a little different and...
December 01, 2016
Christmas in Jamaica is about celebration, spending time with loved ones and sharing gifts. Some traditional Jamaican rituals have vanished or changed with the times. But we absolutely do not mess with food. The true spirit of a Jamaican Christmas lies in both the quality and quantity of meals...