September 12, 2019
On this day 31 years ago one of the most devastating hurricanes hit Jamaica. It pounded the entire island, prompting then Prime Minister Edward Seaga to dramatically describe its effects: “like Hiroshima after the atom bomb.” That is the horrible truth. Hurricane Gilbert entered...
September 05, 2019
Did you know that 80 percent of our household garbage is reusable? Most of the goods we buy in supermarkets are wrapped in layers of plastic that have no real use to us. Instead of filling up landfills that eventually burn the garbage and release harmful toxins into the environment, start donating...
September 05, 2019
When it comes to any kind of communication, you’ve probably heard a million times already how important it is to know your audience in order to be effective. What you say in a text to a friend and how you say it is probably completely different from an email you send to your boss....
August 23, 2019
Ever wonder why people put ‘public figure’ in their Instagram bios if they’re not really public figures? Narcissism, some might say. But there may be a different underlying truth in any profile on social media. Just being on there is an indication that you seek a more public life...
August 16, 2019
For most of us, social media has become integral to our lives. We browse multiple social media accounts daily. We tweet our thoughts, ‘snap’ our lunch, watch a YouTube video about funny cats or ‘double-tap’ our favourite pics on Instagram. For some, it is a casual glance...