Meeting with members of the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Hotel and Tourism Association this week, we were struck by the willingness of everyone to be actively involved in re-purposing their website. We quickly realized that this truly is a community project.
No one was at the table for show. All offered insight or asked hard questions about the process and what we as professionals can offer. They were not shy alerting us to the challenges we face in shaping a project where stakeholders are many and managing expectations is tricky. But they communicated clearly that they want a website with sensible information architecture and smart content. It was perhaps the best give and take we have encountered in a discovery meeting.
This repurposing will help SVG HTA members ready their individual sites for integration with a booking engine now being developed at the Ministry of Tourism, and gives an online presence to those without. Bringing content and look and feel consistency is also part of the work.
Of course, there were differences among them, in outlook and style. But these are purpose driven people who want results and are not shy about holding us accountable. Panmedia’s Tech Lead Nesta Campbell had the unenviable task of putting their thoughts into a workable plan. They appreciated his knowledge but remarked on his youth.
Later, we lunched with Minister of Tourism Glen Beache, a bright, young man who almost seems unsuited for politics in an Obama kind of way. He wants quick, positive change in a system that has been laid back and undemanding.
After, he introduced us to Faylene Scrubb, the SVG Tourism Authority’s Chief Operating Officer, another savvy professional who has put her skills to work helping to build the island’s tourism. From both we got an informed sense of the challenges of small island states with few resources. We also learned that they make up for it in energy, innovation and high spiritedness. When the word finally gets out, smart travelers will flock to the gorgeous Grenadines, the group of islands off St. Vincent that offer hidden getaways, precious local charm and enormous relaxation.
The day ended with an awesome sunset over Hairoon (St. Vincent’s beer) and conch at Paradise Inn, a small family run inn across from Young Island.