Ever notice when you drop an “ole time” Jamaican expression in a conversation people scratch their heads like… “What?”
In just one sentence these wise sayings tell life stories, offer great advice and tickle the funny bone. Here are a few of our favourites.
1. Fyah de a mus mus tail, him tink a cool breeze.
You hear this one right before your mother gives you a good lashing. It means some people are happily oblivious to the trouble or dangers hanging over them.
2. One, one coco full basket.
This is great savings advice, telling you that every little bit adds up.
3. Sorry fi mawga daag dem tun roun bite you.
We hope you never get bitten. This one means no good deed goes unpunished.
4. Def ears gi liad trouble.
Are you an eavesdropper who likes to carry stories? This one tells you to be certain of what you have heard before you repeat it
5. Hard ears pickney nyam rockstone.
We can’t imagine what it’s like to actually eat a rockstone. But disobedient children who learn their lessons the hard way may know.
Jamaican people say the strangest things when they are surprised.
These few one-liners crack us up every time:
1. Kiss mi neck back
What an odd request.
2. Back foot
We sure love to talk about body parts when we’re expressing shock.
3. Blouse and skirt Rupert
Who is Rupert and why is he dressed in female clothing?
4. Cacka fawt
This one has us like: “What does that even mean?”
Which ones did we miss?
Tell us some of your favourite Jamaican expressions.