March 17, 2010
What will they come up with next on the web? Fiverr is a service that puts you in touch with people willing to do just about anything for five bucks. Just sign up for a free account, then check for what job or service you need. If you want to offer a useful service you'd be willing to perform...
March 11, 2010
Yep, you heard right. People in Sweden, Norway, Finland, UK, France and Spain can use Spotify to stream music on your desktop. Mashable describes Spotify as a free, legal, cloud-based streaming music service delivered via desktop software with a nice social twist. Note that while Spotify is free...
January 26, 2010
An updated Firefox extension and the introduction of a new Chrome extension by Digg promise to make your browsing experience richer, faster and less intrusive, according to Mashable. The lightweight Chrome extension lets you add more features and functionality to the browser. The improved Firefox...
January 26, 2010
Facebook developers can now communicate with users directly through their email, replacing the current notification system. Facebook says it will extensively promote the feature on every application page user visit. This allows users to share their actual email address or a substitute if they want...
January 21, 2010
There could well be a stampede for usernames that are currently blocked on Twitter. Even though there’s no finalized date for such an occurrence, The Next Web says Twitter is planning to recycle and release usernames that have been deleted by previous owners or those that remain dormant to...