April 27, 2010
Danville Walker knows how to make a headline. The Commissioner of Customs gave businessmen some food for thought this week when he spoke at the PSOJ’s Job Creation Awards Ceremony. He made it clear that his major mandate is to root out corruption in customs. Forsaking all diplomatic language...
April 27, 2010
SUVs hog the road not only with their bulk, but also with a menacing attitude. They often try to intimidate smaller vehicles with behavior much like a tank. Their drivers seem patently in place with the iron and steel they command. They show disdain for common courtesies, self-righteously rampaging...
April 22, 2010
Nice way to organize tweets. If you want to stay on top of an issue then Revisit is your best ally. The website is a real-time visualization of the latest tweets on any topic. Newer and more important tweets show up and are highlighted. You see tweets from the last ten days and it is suggested you...
April 14, 2010
In a study about online trends Morgan Stanley analysts say there will be a dramatic shift to mobile web use. According to Mashable, the MS 87-page report predicts that the mobile web will surpass Internet use by 2015 based on current rates of change and adoption. The study also says that there will...
April 12, 2010
Firefox is set to go mobile with what the company calls the "most modern Web browser available." The mobile version of the five-year-old Firefox is expected to have all the browser's customization and usability features, and is built on the same engine as the desktop Firefox 3.6....