July 01, 2013
His preferred drink is rum and coke though he sips a beer in the pan tent this particular night. Standing a slight five feet three inches in sandals, he peers through round, brown glasses. Cigarette smoke punctuates every word of his flat, nearly monotone voice. And while he engages in lively...
July 01, 2013
JAMAICA'S MINISTER of National Security and Justice, K.D. Knight, has called for joint regional approach in broaching the United States on the problem of the deportation of criminals to the Caribbean. Knight said while he had held high-level discussions on the deportation issue with US...
July 01, 2013
ORMAN "PATSY" HAYNES sneaked out of his hospital bed to perform in a Christmas concert with Casablanca at the Brooklyn Academy of Music two years ago. With his hospital I.D. bracelet still dangling from his nimble wrists he dazzled the audience with his extraordinary solos. He explored...
July 01, 2013
THE MUSIC WAS CRISP, clean and expertly executed. It arrested attention more securely than any other piece in the 1987 Brooklyn Panorama. Some bands played with more power. Others brought the tone of better instruments. But none matched the style of the winner. Confidence rang from Metro Steel...
July 01, 2013
New technologies and media may expand minds and encourage virtual learning, but they do little to help children with schoolwork. That wouldn't be so bad, parents and educators say, but the new distractions may actually be adding to the traditional obstacles to learning causes such as poor home...