May 15, 2017
Soon after we learned that many HP laptops contain a keystroke logger, hundreds of thousands of Ransomware attacks pelted computers in over 150 countries.   Wait, whisper what’s Ransomware anyway? Well, it’s a sophisticated piece of software that blocks victims’ access to...
April 21, 2017
Your cousin tells you that The Illuminati want to end the world through some apocalyptic satanic ritual or just want to “keep the people down” by controlling the government and media…and assassinating Princess Diana and Tupac? And your cousin swears Jay Z and Beyonce are part of...
March 30, 2017
Smiling is the ultimate source of positive energy and is associated with kindness and happiness. When we smile, it’s not always a reflection of what we feel inside. Sometimes we’re deliberately manipulating our outside, as a way to control how we appear to others. There’s...
March 16, 2017
1) Avocado Pear   While avocado toast is a much hyped food trend in North America, Australia, and Europe, for Jamaicans it’s a typical combo. Most of us would be horrified to pay $23 USD for pear on bread!   That said avocado pear is a popular and versatile fruit. There...
March 02, 2017
Ever wondered, ‘Why me, Lord?’ Do you ever feel like someone upstairs has it out for you? If life is feeling more like a battle than a beautiful journey, maybe it’s time to wheel and come again. Even if we can’t eliminate them, if we change the way that we perceive obstacles...