October 18, 2019
Millennials may remember TikTok as the 2009 song by Kesha, but Gen-Zers know it as the new hot social media app from Chinese-based company ByteDance. We noticed Jamaicans starting to upload content there, so we thought we should take a look at this very entertaining app.   How it Works...
October 11, 2019
No surprise at the reaction on social media to the arrest of former Education Minister Ruel Reid and others for diverting $50 million in public funds for personal use. Many found the development more disappointing than surprising. Some trashed the public way the arrests were made, seeing it as...
October 10, 2019
Keeping up with the latest digital marketing trends can be exhausting. So, today we’re going to bring your attention back to an oldie but goodie – email marketing. It’s not the latest flashy technique, and we know that Instagram seems much sexier, but hang in there for a minute...
October 04, 2019
“If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” - A phrase many of us have probably heard over and over again growing up. But in the world of Social Media where it’s easier for people to hide behind the things they say or to say what’s on...
September 16, 2019
Younger people joke about their unsociable habits all the time. Memes circulate often with stuff like: “Before you call me, ask yourself, is this textable?” or Me whenever I make a phone call: “Please don’t answer/pick up.”  Older generations are quick to blame...