January 24, 2020
Admit it, those jokes on the Internet about CIA and FBI agents monitoring our computer activity and spying on us through our cameras and microphones had a lot of us taping over our webcams. Trust is a scary enough concept as it is for some of us. Often, the process of connecting feels like...
December 30, 2019
Christmas is over and our sights are now set on 2020. A new year, with new possibilities. It’s the perfect time to think about what you might want to change about your life and which new habits you’d like to start. Despite all this new-found optimism that we have at the turn of a...
December 23, 2019
Back to work after any vacation can feel like a drag. But returning after the Christmas holidays can be particularly difficult for many reasons. You are usually coming back from festivities (family, friends, good food, parties, presents and New Year’s celebrations) with no more excitement to...
December 19, 2019
“Every heart has its secret sorrows which the world knows not, and oftentimes we call a man cold, when he is only sad.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow   The holiday season invokes different feelings for those at different places in their lives. For lucky children, it...
December 12, 2019
We all expect to eat a lot of food at Christmas. Some people even plan their post-holiday exercise regimen knowing they are likely to gain weight this season. We can all relate to this given the huge food preparations at Christmas, including cake/pudding, ham, chicken, goat, fish, and more often...