June 12, 2018
We are all feeling the passion for football that has crept into our collective consciousness. The mood here is as intense as it gets in India for cricket. Jamaica, Trinidad and Haiti are the only Caribbean countries to have made it to the World Cup. But in this region, we outstrip the world in our...
May 18, 2018
Online advertising is one of the best tools every small business needs to utilise because of the very many benefits it provides. Google AdWords for small business can work wonders for your product or service. No other tool has as many advantages and allows you to chase your...
May 01, 2018
We feel so secure sharing our personal and sometimes sensitive information with our online accounts, banking or otherwise, until these are compromised. Often, we underrate the importance of cyber security until a security breach and our valued information is stolen or inaccessible. These cyber...
April 24, 2018
Long answer: Social media is the world’s hub for controversy, and much of the cass cass involves brands that often seem ill-informed and insensitive about trigger issues. Jamaican firms and institutions, it turns out, are no exception when it comes to these unfortunate lapses in judgement...
April 20, 2018
I and I hear farin people believe marijuana makes Jamaicans lazy and unproductive. How yuh feel bout dat? Nova Scotia MLA Elizabeth Smith-McCrossin did say, however, “I am certainly open to meeting individually with anyone offended by these comments to better appreciate their...